Every business has it's own needs, that's why Kriskore's VoIP solution allows clients to customize their phone rules based on the time of day. We have two ways to set these rules up, as a business rule, or at the user level. For things that you want to work at an organization level, like operating hours, you will want to set the hours in our admin portal. For situations where you have staff who want to control when their phones can ring, or manage their after hours calls, then they have the capability to adjust their hours right in Boomea.
1 . Log in at voip.kriskore.net
2. Go to VOIP
3. Select Time of Day Routing
You will end up on the below screen:
A. Name - This field will display the name of the time of day routes that have been set up. By default Business Hours will already be created for you
B. Time zone - This determines the time zone that this time of day route will follow (You will be able to choose from Eastern Time, Central Time, Pacific Time, Mountain time with DST, and Mountain time without DST) **DST stands for Daylight Savings Time**
C. Inside Route - The inside route will display the endpoint that the time of day route will route to while within the provided time frames. you will also be able to click on where that route goes to and edit that information.
D. Outside Route - The Outside route will display the endpoint that the time of day route will route to while outside of the set time frame for that routing
E. Add Time of Day Routing - Clicking this button will let you create a new time of day routing
Create a New Time of Day Route
A. Basic Information - This first section will allow you to control the basic functionality of the route. You can add the name of the route, the time zone that the route will follow and set where this route will route to while within the set Begin and End times
1. Time Of Day Name - This field declares the name of the Time of Day route which will display on the landing page for Time of Day Routing
2. Timezone - Select the timezone that you will want this route to follow (You will be able to choose from Eastern Time, Central Time, Pacific Time, Mountain time with DST, and Mountain time without DST)
DST stands for Daylight Savings Time
3. Inside Timeframe Route To - While within the determined Begin and End time select where you will want your calls to route to. Clicking the drop down arrow you will be able to choose where those calls go
4. Outside Timeframe Route To - Setting up this option will determine where a call routes to when it is past your determined End time
B. Time - This next section will allow you to select what days you want this route to apply for, the begin and end times for this route to go into effect, and display where it will route to
1. Timeframe - You can toggle this to either be inside or outside,
a. when this is set to inside you will be able to select the begin and end times for the route to take effect
b. when this is set to outside the begin section will show Outside Timeframe and all calls will route to your set Outside Timeframe Route To option from the Basic Information section
2. Day - Will show you every day of the week
3. Begin - This field will mark the start of when this routing will begin to take effect. You can either enter a specific time of which you would like to have as your begin time or you can select a time from the drop down menu
4. End -
This field will mark the end of when this routing will begin to take effect. You can either enter a specific time of which you would like to have as your begin time or you can select a time from the drop down menu
5. Route - Depending on if your Timeframe is set to inside or outside this field will show you where calls will be routed to.
a. If the timeframe is set to inside this field will show your selected
Inside Timeframe Route To
b. If the timeframe is set to outside this field will show your selected Outside Timeframe Route To option
C. Cancel/Save - Once you have completed your new Time Of Day Routing or if you do not want to save your route you can choose Save or Cancel
When looking to edit created time of day routes you can do so by clicking on the name of the route. You can edit all information in regards to your time of day route, the screen will appear the same as creating a new time of day route with the exception of the option to DELETE a time of day routing from this page
Time Based Routing must be turned on for the user. If Time Based Routing is already applied to the user, skip to step 5
1. Access the Admin Panel
Log in to your VoIP account at voip.kriskore.net. Ensure you have administrator privileges to make adjustments.
2. Navigate to Device Users
From the dashboard, go to the Device Users section.
This will display a list of all users associated with your VoIP system.
3. Select the Desired User
Find the user whose custom hours you wish to configure.
Click on their name to open their settings.
4. Adjust Call Logic
Scroll down to the Call Logic section within the user’s settings.
Enable the Time-Based Routing option. This feature allows you to specify when calls should be directed to devices or alternate routes.
5. Open Boomea
Click the phone icon on Boomea (My Info section).
Navigate to Time-Based Settings and select Edit to modify the routing preferences.
6. Set Outside Route
In the Time-Based Settings, designate an Outside Route for calls received outside business hours. This could be voicemail, an automated message, or another phone line.
7. Adjust Inside Hours
Set the hours when calls can ring directly to your devices. This ensures that calls are only received during active business hours.
Adjust as necessary to match your schedule.
8. Save Your Settings
Once you’ve finalized the hours and routing preferences, click Save to apply the changes.
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Reach out to us directly, we are open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm EST
Email: [email protected]
Call: (705) 797-4869